find a pro

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                            [value] => Helping professional women in Comms, PR, Marketing, Legal, Finance & female entrepreneurs have a wardrobe that represents their brand, gives them confidence & a positive mindset.

Lisa has contributed to editorials such as Daily Mail, The Sun, Daily Express works as the Style expert for BBC & Heart Radio throughout the UK. Lisa has worked on media campaigns with Sainsbury's & Persil.

Lisa works with shopping centres as their resident Personal shopper and provides style expertise to their Fashion & Style initiatives.

Personal Brand Style, does your style represent your brand? What you wear plays a large part of your business branding.
Clients include HSBC, Dell, Persil & Sainsbury’s.

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Helping professional women in Comms, PR, Marketing, Legal, Finance & female entrepreneurs have a wardrobe that represents their brand, gives them confidence & a positive mindset.

Lisa has contributed to editorials such as Daily Mail, The Sun, Daily Express works as the Style expert for BBC & Heart Radio throughout the UK. Lisa has worked on media campaigns with Sainsbury’s & Persil.

Lisa works with shopping centres as their resident Personal shopper and provides style expertise to their Fashion & Style initiatives.

Personal Brand Style, does your style represent your brand? What you wear plays a large part of your business branding.
Clients include HSBC, Dell, Persil & Sainsbury’s.

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Contact Info


Business Overview

Helping professional women in Comms, PR, Marketing, Legal, Finance & female entrepreneurs have a wardrobe that represents their brand, gives them confidence & a positive mindset.

Lisa has contributed to editorials such as Daily Mail, The Sun, Daily Express works as the Style expert for BBC & Heart Radio throughout the UK. Lisa has worked on media campaigns with Sainsbury’s & Persil.

Lisa works with shopping centres as their resident Personal shopper and provides style expertise to their Fashion & Style initiatives.

Personal Brand Style, does your style represent your brand? What you wear plays a large part of your business branding.
Clients include HSBC, Dell, Persil & Sainsbury’s.


Lisa Talbot.jpg


Lisa Talbot.jpg 3 years ago
Showing 1 result
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